Remove a Brand from Your Site

Quickly and easily remove a brand from displaying on your website from within supplier sync settings.

It is only possible to exclude a brand from the supplier sync side. Any items that are in your POS system as in stock will still display on your site. Contact us to see if there is a way of excluding additional items that are specific to your situation.

Supplier Sync Exclusion

  • In Admin, navigate to Settings > Supplier > Supplier Sync.
  • Below each warehouse, there are exclusion settings for excluding specific Brands, Categories, and Model years from that supplier.
  • To exclude a brand, click on the "Brand" exclusion link.
  • In the pop-up window, any brand that is checked will be excluded.
  • Scroll down to the brand you want to exclude and check the box.
  • Press the "Save Changes" button in the pop-up window.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the Supplier Sync page and press the "Save Changes" button.
  • After the changes have saved, publish changes by pressing the bell icon in the top right-hand corner of Admin and pressing the "Publish Changes" link.

It is normal for the Supplier Sync page to take several minutes to save.  Once an exclusion has been made it will be about an hour before those items fully drop off of your site.  Contact Us if you have any additional questions.

Products Appearing That Are Not Part of Supplier Sync

  • Our system is designed to show anything and everything that is in stock in your point-of-sale system that has a matching GTIN / UPC / MPN with our catalog.
  • Check Inventory > Products to find a brand that may be appearing due to a mismatched MPN.
  • Items that were manually added to your products (Inventory > Products) are manually controlled and need to be adjusted there.
  • In Ascend, there is an "eCommerce" box within individual items that can be unchecked so the item does not get sent over to our system.
  • Items can be updated in other point-of-sale systems so the part numbers do not exist or so the inventory is zero.
  • Contact support for your point of sale system to see if they have any other options available to exclude specific items from being sent over to our system.
  • Visit our Troubleshooting Products guide for troubleshooting other product display issues.