Troubleshooting Duplicate Items

Multiples of similar items can create confusion for your customers, here's how to manage those situations.

Searching for Duplicate Items

  • To begin, navigate in Admin to Inventory > Products and check the box on the bottom right for Duplicate Items Only.
  • Any duplicates will have an orange icon with an exclamation point.
  • Click on the Duplicate icon to see what conditions have created the duplicate items. 

Duplicate Models Within a Single Model Year

  • This happens if production switches from one facility to another within a model year, the manufacturer will often assign a new GTIN to the newer production run.
    • If you happen to have items from each production run in stock, you will, unfortunately, have to keep both items live on the site until one sells out.

Duplicate Model Names 

The most common type of duplication is a duplicate model name.

  • This occurs when a manufacturer continues to use the same model name in a new model year but they've made significant changes to the product and issued a new set of GTINs.
  • Verify that you still have the old model year in stock.
    • Older item is still in stock:
      • Edit the older item to display the model year so that the consumer knows it's from a previous model year.
    • Item is no longer in stock:
      • Delete the old model year version from your site, and make sure it's no longer in your POS.

Duplicate Library Item and Your Item

Items you've created are displayed in blue and library products are displayed in black.

  • As a general rule, it's best to keep the library version of the item for tighter integration with Supplier Sync and Buy Local Now.

Duplicate GTINs

This usually happens when a manufacturer carries forward a product and re-uses a GTIN from the previous model year.

  • POS inventory mapped to one item and not the other:

    • Delete unmapped items from the catalog.

  • POS is mapped to both items:

    • Delete mappings from old items so that POS Sync can map to newer items during the next process.

    • Delete older items from Inventory > Products.

 This can also be due to a data entry error on your part or by us.

  • Both items are created by you, or were edited library products (shown in blue):
    • Double-check part numbers with your vendors to ensure you have the correct GTINs.
  • At least one duplicate is from our library (shown in black):
    • Contact us and request assistance troubleshooting the source of the problem. We will investigate and correct any possible data entry errors in our library.